Director's Identification Numbers

The government has created a new department called Australian Business Registry Services (ABRS). This has been set up to create a register of all company Directors. The primary reason for this is to avoid fraudulent activities e.g. phoenix companies. If you are a company director or officeholder, you must apply for a DIN. You will need a Mygovid prior to setting up your DIN. Please note, this is different to Mygov. To apply for your DIN, you can follow these steps: 1. Go to this link 2. Setup Mygovid (if you haven't already) 3. Gather your documents 4. Complete your application Provided you have a Mygovid, the whole process should only take 5-10 minutes. If you are establishing a company as of today, you will require a DIN prior to establishment.

For existing companies, you need to register your DIN prior to 30 November 2022

Further details can be found here.

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